Welcome to the Chilean Plants Cytogenetic Database, a comprehensive catalogue of plant cytogenetic data. Chromosome number (2n), karyotype morphology, nuclear DNA content, banding patterns and/or FISH are currently available for 499 Chilean species (95 Bryophyta, 25 Pteridophyta, four Pinophyta and 375 Magnoliophyta), all based on 110 assembled references.

Four divisions 116 families 244 genera 499 species
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Current species name Species name according to references Geographic origin 2n Karyotype Formula Banding C value FISH Reference Others
Division: Pteridophyta
     Asplenium dareoides Asplenium dareoides Araucanía 144 JARA-SEGUEL, P., M. ROMERO-MIERES & C. PALMA-ROJAS. (2006) Chromosome numbers of Chilean Pteridophytes: first contribution. Gayana Botánica 63(1): 115-118.
      Blechnum chilense Blechnum chilense Araucanía 66 JARA-SEGUEL, P., M. ROMERO-MIERES & C. PALMA-ROJAS. (2006) Chromosome numbers of Chilean Pteridophytes: first contribution. Gayana Botánica 63(1): 115-118.
      Blechnum hastatum Blechnum hastatum Araucanía 66 JARA-SEGUEL, P., M. ROMERO-MIERES & C. PALMA-ROJAS. 2006. Chromosome numbers of Chilean Pteridophytes: first contribution. Gayana Botánica 63(1): 115-118.
      Blechnum mochaenum var. mochaenum Blechnum mochaenum var. mochaenum Araucanía 66 JARA-SEGUEL, P., M. ROMERO-MIERES & C. PALMA-ROJAS. 2006. Chromosome numbers of Chilean Pteridophytes: first contribution. Gayana Botánica 63(1): 115-118.
      Blechnum penna-marina Blechnum penna-marina Araucanía 66 JARA-SEGUEL, P., M. ROMERO-MIERES & C. PALMA-ROJAS. 2006. Chromosome numbers of Chilean Pteridophytes: first contribution. Gayana Botánica 63(1): 115-118.
      Megalastrum spectabile Megalastrum spectabile var. spectabile Araucanía 82 JARA-SEGUEL, P., M. ROMERO-MIERES & C. PALMA-ROJAS. (2006) Chromosome numbers of Chilean Pteridophytes: first contribution. Gayana Botánica 63(1): 115-118.
      Polystichum andinum Polystichum andinum Río Negro, Argentina 164 MORERO, R., F. CHIARINI., J. URDAMPILLETA, G. BARBOZA & D. BARRINGTON (2015) Cytological study of Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) species from southern South America. Australian Journal of Botany. URL: http//:www.publish.csiro.au/journals/ajbhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1071/BT14287. SCIRO PUBLISHING. "
      Polystichum chilense var. chilense Polystichum chilense var. chilense Neuquén, Argentina 164 MORERO, R., F. CHIARINI., J. URDAMPILLETA, G. BARBOZA & D. BARRINGTON (2015) Cytological study of Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) species from southern South America. Australian Journal of Botany. URL: http//:www.publish.csiro.au/journals/ajbhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1071/BT14287. SCIRO PUBLISHING. "
      Polystichum chilense var. dusenii Polystichum chilense var. dusenii Neuquén, Argentina 164 MORERO, R., F. CHIARINI., J. URDAMPILLETA, G. BARBOZA & D. BARRINGTON (2015) Cytological study of Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) species from southern South America. Australian Journal of Botany. URL: http//:www.publish.csiro.au/journals/ajbhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1071/BT14287. SCIRO PUBLISHING. \"
      Polystichum multifidum Polystichum multifidum var. multifidum Neuquén, Argentina 164 MORERO, R., F. CHIARINI., J. URDAMPILLETA, G. BARBOZA & D. BARRINGTON (2015) Cytological study of Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) species from southern South America. Australian Journal of Botany. URL: http//:www.publish.csiro.au/journals/ajbhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1071/BT14287. SCIRO PUBLISHING. "
      Polystichum plicatum Polystichum plicatum Río Negro, Argentina 164 MORERO, R., F. CHIARINI., J. URDAMPILLETA, G. BARBOZA & D. BARRINGTON (2015) Cytological study of Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) species from southern South America. Australian Journal of Botany. URL: http//:www.publish.csiro.au/journals/ajbhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1071/BT14287. SCIRO PUBLISHING. "
      Polystichum subintegerrimum Polystichum subintegerrimum Araucanía ca. 311-328 JARA-SEGUEL, P., M. ROMERO-MIERES & C. PALMA-ROJAS (2006) Chromosome numbers of Chilean Pteridophytes: first contribution. Gayana Botánica 63(1): 115-118.
      Polystichum tetragonum Polystichum tetragonum Archipiélago Juan Fernández, Valparaíso 164 MORERO, R., F. CHIARINI., J. URDAMPILLETA, G. BARBOZA & D. BARRINGTON (2015) Cytological study of Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) species from southern South America. Australian Journal of Botany. URL: http//:www.publish.csiro.au/journals/ajbhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1071/BT14287. SCIRO PUBLISHING. "
      Equisetum bogotense Equisetum bogotense Araucanía 216 JARA-SEGUEL, P., M. ROMERO-MIERES & C. PALMA-ROJAS (2006) Chromosome numbers of Chilean Pteridophytes: first contribution. Gayana Botánica 63(1): 115-118.
      Hymenoglossum cruentum Hymenoglossum cruentum 72 MORERO, R., F. CHIARINI., J. URDAMPILLETA, G. BARBOZA & D. BARRINGTON (2015) Cytological study of Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) species from southern South America. Australian Journal of Botany. URL: http//:www.publish.csiro.au/journals/ajbhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1071/BT14287. SCIRO PUBLISHING. "
      Hymenophyllum caudiculatum Hymenophyllum caudiculatum 72 LÖVE, A., D. LÖVE & R. PICHI-SERMOLLI (1977) Cytotaxonomical Atlas of the Pteridophyta. J. Cramer, Vaduz, 398 pp
      Hymenophyllum cuneatum Hymenophyllum cuneatum 56 LÖVE, A., D. LÖVE & R. PICHI-SERMOLLI (1977) Cytotaxonomical Atlas of the Pteridophyta. J. Cramer, Vaduz, 398 pp
      Hymenophyllum dentatum Hymenophyllum dentatum n=13 DUBUISSON J. & H. SCHNEIDER (2010) Chromosome number evolution in Hymenophyllum (Hymenophyllaceae), with special reference to the subgenus Hymenophyllum. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55: 47-59.
      Hymenophyllum dicranotrichum Hymenophyllum dicranotrichum n=14 DUBUISSON J. & H. SCHNEIDER (2010) Chromosome number evolution in Hymenophyllum (Hymenophyllaceae), with special reference to the subgenus Hymenophyllum. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55: 47-59.
      Hymenophyllum ferrugineum Hymenophyllum ferrugineum 72 BROWNLIE, G. (1958) Chromosome numbers in New Zealand ferns. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Botany 85:213-216
      Hymenophyllum fuciforme Hymenophyllum fuciforme 72 LÖVE, A., D. LÖVE & R. PICHI-SERMOLLI (1977) Cytotaxonomical Atlas of the Pteridophyta. J. Cramer, Vaduz, 398 pp
      Hymenophyllum peltatum Hymenophyllum peltatum 22 BROWNLIE, G. (1958) Chromosome numbers in New Zealand ferns. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Botany 85:213-216
      Hymenophyllum peltatum Hymenophyllum peltatum 22 TINDALE, M. (1963) Pteridophyta. In Beadle, N.C.W., Evans, O. & Carolin, R.C.. Vascular Plants of Sydney District and the Blue Mountains. Privately published, Armidale
      Hymenophyllum tunbrigense Hymenophyllum tunbrigense n=13 DUBUISSON J. & H. SCHNEIDER (2010) Chromosome number evolution in Hymenophyllum (Hymenophyllaceae), with special reference to the subgenus Hymenophyllum. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55: 47-59.
      Hymenophyllum tunbrigense Hymenophyllum tunbrigense 26 MANTON, I. (1950) Problems of cytology and evolution in the Pteridophyta. Cambridge University Press.
      Hymenophyllum tunbrigense Hymenophyllum tunbrigense n=26 WAGNER, W., D. FARRAR & B. MCALPIN. (1970) Pteridology of the Highlands Biological Station area, southern Appalachians. Journal Elisha Mitchell Science Society 86: 1-27.
      Hymenophyllum tunbrigense Hymenophyllum tunbrigense n=26 MANTON, I,. G. VIDA. (1968) Cytology of the fern flora of Tristan da Cunha. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Science 170:361-377.
      Ophioglossum vulgatum Ophioglossum vulgatum Chiloé, Los Lagos ca. 480 KRIVENKO D., S.KAZANOVSKY , Y. VINOGRADOVA, A. VERKHOZINA, M. KNYAZEV, R. MURTAZALIEV (2017) Ophioglossaceae. In: Marhold K, Kucera J (eds) IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 26. Taxon 66(6):1487-1499
      Pleopeltis macrocarpa Pleopeltis macrocarpa Utthar Pradesh, India n= 35 Utthar Pradesh, India
      Adiantum chilense var. chilense Adiantum chilense var. chilense Araucanía 116 JARA-SEGUEL, P., M. ROMERO-MIERES & C. PALMA-ROJAS. (2006) Chromosome numbers of Chilean Pteridophytes: first contribution. Gayana Botánica 63(1): 115-118.
Total visits: 182116

Last database update December 2021.

About the Authors

Pedro Jara Seguel
Núcleo de Estudios Ambientales (NEA), Chile.

E-mail: pjara@uct.cl

Jonathan Urrutia Estrada
Laboratorio de Invasiones Biológicas (LIB), Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad (IEB), Chile.

E-mail: jurrutiaestrada@gmail.com


Dr. Paola Jara Arancio
Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad (IEB) Chile.

Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de Ecología y Biodiversidad, Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile.

Centro Internacional Cabo de Hornos (CHIC), Chile.

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The information in this database is provided solely for scholar and academic use, and must not be used for the purposes of financial gain.
Jara-Seguel P. & Urrutia-Estrada J.

Chilean Plants Cytogenetic Database 2021